Composicions Sabine van Waesberghe
Us convido a fer un viatge emocional i íntim visitant les pàgines de la meva vida. Sentimentals, amoroses, doloroses també, algunes a través de la pèrdua d’un ser estimat… la meva germana.
All Songs written, composed and performed by Sabine van Waesberghe
Guitar: Lorenzo Spinozzi | Piano: Fran Suarez | Double bass: Freddy Muñoz | Drums: Rafael Motila Arrangements by Santi Fontclara & Lorenzo Spinozzi
Recording, Mixing & Mastering by Edicions Albert Moraleda S.L. ref 0363 D.L.B-23853/2022 Cover & inside photos by Hal Masonberg
Cover & Booklet design by Alice Soares
Design Consultant by Adeline Dessinet
Special thanks to my family and friends for their constant help and support in my life and my musical projects and to my sister Aude for her inspiration.
© 2022 Sabine van Waesberghe